Would anyone watch a video series on WoW's cozy/memorable places?

one of the reasons that World of Warcraft keeps drawing me back is the world that Blizzard has crafted over the last 10 years. between the ambiance, soundtrack, and setting Azeroth is one of the most heartfelt places to me. While I don't play a lot, Azeroth still resonates with me daily. My playlists have the soundtrack, and my favorite way to study is curled around my PC with a warm mug of coffee listening to the tavern tracks.The video series would include but not be limited to:Ambiance videos of Azeroth's cozy nooks and cranniesSome Lore/RP elements about the areaadded atmosphere sounds like campfires and windstorms for that extra bit of immersionWhat do you guys think? I'm going to do these videos regardless for myself. I feel it will refresh my outlook on Azeroth and see wow for more than just it's mechanics. It would be cool if other people enjoyed them too though.After all this, I decided to start a youtube channel. Criticisms welcome! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBz00QCXpjlXYF9_oph0zzw