Reminder: It's SUPER EASY to get the Waterstrider during this week's Pandaria Timewalking.

The Anglers' Waterstrider mount was extremely clutch for non-waterwalking classes in Legion pre-flying. Getting it now while it's easy will be a great investment in your WoW future.The way it works: The rep tokens are 50 TW badges for 300 rep, and the tokens are Bind-On-Account.Reminder: >=lvl91 alts can easily contribute 500 TW badges by doing the first-TW-dungeon quest. This is an easy 10 badges you can send to any alt.In Pandaria, at Revered, you can buy a Grand Commendation from that rep's vendor to increase rep gains by 100% to that faction for your whole account (although mounts are account wide, no big deal there). This applies to TW tokens, making them 600 rep each.The darkmoon faire buffs and human buffs also work here, lowering the amount of tokens needed. (Note, darkmoon faire is NOT active this week, sorry fellas. It was last Pandaria TW though.) EDIT: You can save the tokens until the next darkmoon faire and use it then if you so wish. It's in roughly 12 days.[UNCONFIRMED] You may be able to just make 10 Demon Hunter alts to run the first-TW-dungeon quest over and over again. (You'll still likely have to do the intro quests first, but this is still probably faster than farming 500 badges manually.) If you try this, please report back. Thanks goes to /u/mastosan if it ends up confirmed.All in all, starting from 0-neutral rep, and utilizing nothing but the Grand Commendation of the Anglers, it takes 105 rep tokens (5250 TW badges) to reach exalted with the Anglers for your waterstrider.Edit: Formatting