FriendshipSpellwing - 7.3 Heroic Mount

Hello All,Some of you may remember me from FriendshipMoose towards the end of WoD. With the information and PTR going on with 7.3, it appears that there will be a mount drop similar to the Grove Warden for defeating the final boss on Heroic. If that is the case, I definitely will be doing what I can to assist the community in getting their Violet Spellwing for free before the next expansions comes out.Since there is still a lot of time before a movement like this begins, I will continue to look for updates to see if any information on this mount changes. My Discord and/or Twitter will be where I keep updates about this movement the most and I welcome anyone to join our Discord. I will be happy to answer any questions that the community may have on this movement as well.I am hoping that we can help even more people around this time, compared to FriendshipMoose. I will also be looking into more efficient ways where we can get people in and out of the raid to help more people at any given time. I'm also open to any suggestions that the community may have to making this movement an even better experience.Hope to see and help a lot of you soon in 7.3!-Zelse