Blizz, can you fix graphical options which remove visuals on stuff to avoid ?

I'm looking at Projected Textures and Liquid Details.Projected Textures disable most of the textures on the ground that represent stuff to avoid. For example, in kara, the arcane swirls used by the arcane elementals around Moroes - those things one shot and I've seen several people unaware of them because they had Projected Textures disabled. It also disables things like Paladins' Consecration.The rest of the stuff on the ground that's not disabled by Projected Textures is disabled by Liquid Details (yes, it's very odd), like the Nightmare Bolt that fears on Shade of Xavius in DHT, or the fel goo left on the ground after by Illysanna Ravencrest's Eye Beams in BRH. I've been killed several times on this one and ruined a key before figuring out that you needed Liquid Details at least at Good (not Fair) to see it.I'll also touch on Particle Details making some visuals nearly invisible and way harder to avoid, like Hyrja's Sanctify in HoV. They're still visible, but really hard to see imo.It just doesn't make sense that players can disable crucial visual indicators that are among the core mechanics of this game. Without them, you can't play pve (or pvp) properly. I think even players who struggle with a bad computer wouldn't disable them. I'm not even sure they have such a big impact on performance anyway ?It's been like that since Vanilla, but there are still as of today new (or old) players who don't know about this and end up dying a fair amount of times without knowing what hit them, and have no clue that it could be one of their graphical options. I think that, although it's honestly just a detail, the game would fare better if players couldn't inadvertently make the game harder for themselves.