Wowhead recently.

Hey guys. I'm sure if you've browsed through the subreddit in the last month or two, you have seen the odd thread or two about the website, WoWhead. Long story short, it's a huge database and that has been developed over the course of the last 8 years or so (could be longer, I do not know.) It has countless guides, news articles, database entries, guides, tools, models viewers, etc. It's the Google of WoW. Anytime you want to check something out wow related you look at wowhead.Recently the wowhead team has been having problems with their ad providers. Many of these providers would play loud, obtrusive ads that would make visiting the site hell. There were also ads that would cause large amounts of data to be reloaded repeatetively, effectively slowing down a mid to low range PC.Following the backlash from the community, the wowhead team severed ties with a lot of these providers, as well as lowering the price of their "wowhead premium" service. This service was in place for someone to pay a small amount of money a year ($9) to support the website. This was put into place to convince more people to support the website, as it is a collosal database.I do not know how much it costs to maintain wowhead, but from the scope of its website, as well as partners Alakazam websites, it is very large. Many people write guides for the website out of their love for the game. The website has been around for many, many years, and countless hours have been put into the website. To be completely honest, I do not know how it is still running.However in the last few days wowhead has been having some server issues. I believe the website has gone done a couple times in the last three days relating to their provider. During this same times, employees, writers, directors, etc have been getting some insane behaviour thrown at them. Online harassment, threats, and even the possibility of IRL graffiti. I could source all this information directly, but there has been a lot of it. Check out the site directors Twitter if you're genuinely curious.I understand the people who act this way are not the same readerbase of this subreddit. I understand the vast majority of people understand the position wowhead is in and remain silent. I understand people are fine with paying for wowhead, but do not want to feel blackmailed into it.But this shit, this insane backlash against the website needs to calm the hell down. Almost everyone here has used wowhead every day for the last few years. If this database was closed down due to extreme measures the wow community would be so unbelievably lost in so many situations. This website is vital to so many people in so many ways.Please, for the love of Illidan, do not jump on hate bandwagons. Do not bitch at employees of the website directly. This is their job. They have so little control over ad providers, server providers, and other outside sources. It's the same as literally any other CS job, and the way they have been treated the last few days is absolutely ridiculous.