I've noticed that the people complaining most about RNG in WoW are the same people as those who benefit from the RNG system the most

There has been a lot of grief for a while about gearing up and getting to higher ilevels. In a front page thread today, I've seen people claiming that they have 25 days of play time at 110, yet are still hovering at around 850 ilevel, without an upgrade in sight.If you are one of these people, there's a hard reality you need to recognize: you're wasting too much time. I don't know what you're doing, whether you're just chatting with your guildies while running around Dalaran, dueling outside of Orgrimmar, dancing in Goldshire, or farming old raids, but you're doing something wrong (if, of course, your highest priority in this game is increasing your gear. If you enjoy the above then I'm obviously in no position to tell you not to do it all).WTF MAN I FARM 7/7M EVERY WEEK AND DO 300+ MYTHIC DUNGEONS AND I'M STILL ILEVEL 845 WTF ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT ALJFDKASJFLASKWe need to take a step back and recognize the situation for what it is. Warforging works something like this:(1) Every item you find has a small chance to Warforge (1/3 seems to be right).(2) The item will then enter a rolling system, where it repeatedly coin flips with 50/50 chances to upgrade again. Win enough of these and you can have an 895 world quest item. If the base ilevel is 875, then you have to win fewer of these rolls for 895.For reference, here's a spreadsheet a friend made:http://ift.tt/2efY97U are the odds of an item, with various base ilevels, rolling at 875+.One of the main problems with people stuck at 850~ ilevel is they're not doing difficult enough content. Generally speaking, if you're still doing heroic dungeons and LFR at that level, you are purely wasting your time. As you can see on the spreadsheet, an 835 ilevel base item only has a 1 in 384 chance to roll 875+. Don't even bother doing LFR unless you simply cannot find something else to do. You're better off doing a higher level Mythic+ dungeon in the time it takes you to queue, join, and clear LFR.A lot of people are banking on the off chance that their WQ item rolls high and they have an upgrade. Save for a very small number of quests (Life Finds a Way for casters, for example), for Suramar rep, or for the daily cache, world quests for gear are a waste of time too. At my ilevel of 873 they generally roll between 830 and 840. The only gear world quest I do specifically for gear now is the Devilsaur Shock Collar one.The answer to breaking a gear plateau is simply this:(1) Do more difficult content. Mythic +6 drops a base ilevel of 855. Then it has a 33% chance to Warforge into 860+. If you're at around 850~ ilevel, you're fairly likely to find a decent upgrade.(2) Ignore the content that, according to the spreadsheet, is highly unlikely to drop an upgrade for you. Remember that for geared players farming +7 to +9 is lucrative, mainly because they can get three chests from it, which increases the base ilevel of the items that drop.(3) (Optional but recommended) Find yourself a good farming partner. Joining a group of motivated people to chain dungeons a few hours a day is one of the best things you can do. Eventually your keys will run out, and you can break into two groups joining other people's key runs (DPS/DPS/Tank and DPS/Healer for example).I find it incredibly ironic that players who are not all that active in WoW or good at farming high level gear are complaining about the warforging/titanforging systems. The players these systems benefit the most are you guys. Before warforging and titanforging were part of the game, your ilevel was strictly locked by the highest level content you could do. Now your maximum ilevel is, with enough effort and enough runs, not even that far off of mythic raiders. The fact that I'm within 13 ilevels of the world #1, despite never having stepped into a mythic raid, is because Blizzard was throwing people like me a bone.875 with under 10 days /played at 110 is perfectly possible, even with average luck. If you choose to just chalk your low ilevel to bad luck still at this point, go for it, but the titanforging system is built for you more than anyone else.Edit: It looks like I struck a nerve somewhere. Some people have downvoted the first page of my entire post history, even in unrelated threads.