My raiding guild wants 3.000 gold per month from every raider to cover flask/food/etc costs - is this the norm or am I falling for a scam?

So, I'm new to raiding. It's my first real raiding guild, so I don't know how other guilds are handling flasks, food etc.Our guild leader wants 3k gold from each member per month, but they'll provide flasks, food and repair costs for the duration of the raid. However, they said that it could happen that the 3k gold/member won't be sufficient to cover all the costs, so it may happen that the individual member has to buy some flask/food from his own gold anyway.So, basically, if I exceed the 3k gold limit, I have to carry the additional costs, but if I stay below it, the guild keeps it. That sounds very strange to my ears, but before asking my guild leader if he's trying to scam us, I'd rather have neutral opinions on this.Some of us suggested that they want a system where every member is responsible for its own supplies, but the leadership is saying that this simply doesn't work because, in their experience, people tend to show up without food or flasks.// update: thanks for all the replies. All the people I asked and the whole mighty reddit told me that this isn't the norm at all, so I told my guild leader I want to be self-sufficient by bringing my own flasks, food etc. He didn't like the idea and denied. His reason again was "(if we make exceptions) people tend to show up without stuff, we always had this problem so this is our solution". Honestly, if the members of the guild can't be trusted to get their stuff on their own if they are told to, I don't think I want to raid with them anyway. /gquit