Raided for the first time since Firelands last night...

So last night I jumped on my shadow priest. I've been in the same guild for over 7 years now and whilst the population on both the server and the guild has died down, I refuse to leave based on sentimental value. These guys ran my priest through his first ever raid (Karazahn) as a trial and I got accepted. Whilst I wasn't in their A-squad, who were raiding Zul'aman etc, they still made me feel really welcome.So on and off raiding happened with me due to me finishing school and other commitments which eventually led me to quitting raiding after we downed Ragnaros HC10 man.Ever since then, I've done nothing but PVP with friends. Whilst I love doing arenas with my RL friends (no matter how bad they are haha) I always felt like logging on was such a massive chore as there was nothing to do other than my garrison missions and the occasional bg on an alt.So after logging on last night I noticed the guild were actually chatting so I decided to speak up and ask if anything fun was happening tonight. That's when I got an invite. I thought it must have been a missclick so I asked the leader if she'd meant to invite me or not."You're coming with us if you like it or not ;)" she replied.Despite my lack of knowledge of the Heroic HFC tactics, two and a half hours later we've downed Gorefiend and I have a returned love for the game. I changed some of my talents in the talent tree which completely changed my rotation and gave shadow priest a fresh feel to me. My guild mates were really understanding of my lack of experience in raiding and it made me feel part of a team again. I always managed to convince myself that PVE is just chasing that dragon. You get all your gear then your just helping other people get theirs. But it's so much more than that. The feeling of being part of a team is such an awesome feeling and working together in unison tops any other feeling I've gotten from PVP in the last 4 years.Sorry for the long message guys I just thought I'd share with you my experience of my love for the game reigniting.